Keeping that 'remoteness' in mind, this is a branding project that is based on the concept of fear. Nowadays, people can often search for solutions and fix their systems themselves, but they're afraid of 'screwing it up'. Likewise, the biggest setback to installing unkown software, or letting a stranger remotely control your computer, is the fear of them not having honest intentions. The ideal brand in this case will put the user at ease. Towards this, we first want to establish that the 'agent' at work is a being instead of just software, as people fear automation. Therefore, the brand uses a pictorial mark, and one that acts as a character / pet for the brand, as if it were it which works on your system. 
With this pictorial mark / character, we want to appeal to the "Baby-Face Bias":
“People and things with round features, large eyes, small noses, high foreheads, short chins, and relatively lighter skin and hair are perceived as babylike and, as a result, as having babylike personality attributes: naiveté, helplessness, honesty, and innocence. The bias is found across all age ranges, cultures, and many mammalian species.
[...] Baby-faced adults are subject to a similar bias. However, unlike with children, there are liabilities to being a baby-faced adult. Baby-faced adults appearing in commercials are effective when their role involves innocence and honesty, such as a personal testimonial for a product, but ineffective when their role involves speaking authoritatively about a topic, such as a doctor asserting the benefit of a product.”
(from Universal Principles of Design, 2003) 
While baby-like features have cons communicationally, in this case, as we’re dealing with technology, youth = knowledge, given the technology knowledge gap across age ranges. Beyond that, we give the character some nerd iconography - glasses - for further credibility with them.
The brand primarily uses a light blue color that is also friendly, but reinforces the feeling this is a character that is behind a screen, as computer screens almost always emit cold light.
Tecovi is not a brand that needs to look high-tech at all - it's positive that you can tell that the brand as a whole has to do with computers, or nerds, but what is really of importance is that it needs to communicate to the user that this entity (the character and brand, and by extension, the company) couldn't possibly do them any wrong. Tecovi is a cute, friendly, and human brand above all else. This word mark is a continuation of these guidelines, with The Northern Block Ltd's Luengo Bold's cute (but not too cute), and friendly glyphs.

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